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It is coming my way.

+ 7 Years Experience

+ Excellent Work Attitude

+ Never have my employer regretted having me on-board

+ Smart

+ Pick up things quickly

+ Adaptable

+ Learns Quickly

+ Interested in how things work

When nothing seems impossible anymore.

Waking up early cause I can't wait to start my day and make a little dent in this vast world.

- Wake up early and bubbly, walk my dogs

- Cycle to a studio, squeeze in a workout (Vinyasa Flow)

- Shower, dress up professionally and settle into the desk

- Check plans for the day

- Keep up with the news & forumns

- Prepare for daily sync up with the day and my mentor

- Start reaching out, and connecting with clients

- Heading out to meet with clients

- Have coffee with my clients

- Listen and gather their pain points, referral (Bond over hobbies and interests)

- Head back to office and connect with the team and learn on the tech stack

- Propose and check-in with my mentor

- Update clients and head home to dogs and partner

- Occasionally hang out and be silly with the colleagues

- Go for parties, events and work trips with colleagues

- Gain karma points for green initiatives

How will I feel?

- Challenged, Motivated, Fulfilled, Wholesome, Supported, Professional and Gleeful

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